Draft Timeline

Week 6 
Before class (Thursday 12pm) 
-       Complete timeline
-       Complete list of questions 
-       Research into the endeavour foundation and current facilities 
-       Look at floor plan, prepare questions for Paul
By end of the week (Sunday)
-       Complete parts of return brief that are possible to complete 
o  Swot
o  Building analysis
o  Space planning
-       Research into Intellectual disabilities and how design can help

Week 7 
Before Class (Thursday 12pm)
-       Complete ideation process for consultation 
o  Sketches
o  Special plans
o  Images
o  Research
By end of week (Sunday) 
-       Begin final drawings 
-       Start technical drawings 

Week 8 
Before class on (Thursday 12pm)
-       Finalised floor plan 
-       Finalised special plan 
-       Source materials for material board 
By end of the week (Sunday)
-       Source materials for model 

Week 9 
Before Class on (Thursday 12pm)
-       Final Drawings ready for consultation 
-       Moc poster for consultation 
-       Finalise technical drawings 

By end of week (Sunday)
-       Poster complete and sent to printer
-       Model completed 

Week 10 
-       Prepare for presentation 
o  Speech 
o  Organise transportation of model, material board and poster 


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