Inclusive design #2

Lecture 6
Inclusive design 

The socio-spatial experience of intellectual disability 

The role of design in promoting capabilities for participation and human flourishing  a case of the socio-spatial experience of intellectual disability 

Capability and flourishing 
- about a fit between the individuals and their surroundings

Fitting and miss fitting 
- fit and misfit as a relationship not a person
- an encounter in which two things come together in either harmony or disjunction
- when the shape and substance correspond they fit in
- the problem with a misfit, then inheres not in either of the two things but rather in their juxtaposition, the award attempt to fit them together.
- its not just about the dimensions of fitting - its about how you feel you fit

Misfitting produces segregation 
- Their outcast status is literal when their shape and function of their bodies come in contact with the shape and stuff built in the real world.
- The primary negative effect is exclusion
- Disadvantage of disability comes party from social oppression - attitudes and practices
      - Getting around in daily life when the built environments are not built to include all
      - Empathy

Nature, History and experience of intellectual disability 

Intellectual disability 
- Difficulties arising from their impairments
- They may equally suffer from societies response the their impairment

Era of Institutionalisation  
- Physical segregation
- Exclusion
- Designed to identity everyone as the same - one identity
- Taken advantage off

Total Institutions 
- A place of residence and work where a large number of like-situated individuals, cut off from the wider society for an appreciable period of time, together lead an enclosed, formally administered road of life.
- All aspects of life were supervised and standardised
- When they were institutionalised people they took away your personality - dehumanising
- People tried to keep their identity, personality and sense of self
- All these institutions has a similar layout - all beds were arranged so you could be seen - monitored

- The quality of life improved
- Leaning more adaptive skills
- Exposure to the world
- Not clear if this leads to inclusion - community centres can recreate these settings and environments

Contemporary community experiences 
- many people with learning disability are a double bind of marginalisation, experiencing exclusion  from and abjection and discrimination
- Experiences in the community are unpredictable - not knowing if you are going to fit into a space
- not knowing whether they can trust the environment and the people within it

The consequences of these experiences 
- Restructure
- Safe havens - safe space
- Opportunities to be themselves - control
- Support - friends, people to help you bridge the world, collective support
These relationships need to be supported by design 

3 learning and lifestyle centres for people with disabilities 
- they are more then just a place to spend the day
- person centred design model
- build your confidence, self-esteem and social interactions
- identify your goals
- build relationships
- have fun
- social interaction
Need to be sure they feel in place -
 link in a chain 

- feeling in place in an organisation that links you to a broader world 

- Participation
- agency 
- self-esteem 
- social identity 

A framework for design judgement in enhancing inclusion and participation 
- Feeling in pace - fitting into processes that are about you 
- Understanding what is happening - awareness
- Recognising one self - is it familiar to you? 
- How does one become apart of that setting
- Mutual recognition - identity being acknowledged, appreciated 
How do these nice goals of universal design actually going to work in producing those recognition relationships 

Design for recognition 
- A space that enables people to see and identity 
- Identity the activity - the person - how their habitus would react
- not everyone will react the same - how can you provide a space for them? 
- encode in the space what the activity is 

How to invite the self into the activity? 

How can we celebrate what they do - see themselves in their achievements

Read: the course of recognition 


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